Tens of millions of apostates...wow, sorry, but let's not kid ourselves.
While lots of people leave or are forced out of that mess, i'd guess that only a small percentage of those that do truly break free from it mentally.
167,000 people cast off annually by the jw's; the number of broken and destroyed families grows to the millions?28 million dollars defending child endangerment?
are you kidding me?10's of millions "mentally diseased apostates" undermining the real estate laundering corporation?800 million in real estate sold in brooklyn *recently* by the jw ficticious business name statement?jehovah witness corporation crawling on its belly like a reptile to upstate new york?big money to be made eating the eyeballs out of the corporation?new tales of jw horror published daily?
Tens of millions of apostates...wow, sorry, but let's not kid ourselves.
While lots of people leave or are forced out of that mess, i'd guess that only a small percentage of those that do truly break free from it mentally.
hello, i'm a 17 year old born in and i'm done with this religion.
one hundred percent.
i came to the conclusion a year ago that i wanted to leave.
"I just don't think I'm ready to get baptized yet. I know that the general thing is to do it when you're 12 or 13, but I also know that a lot of people who do that wind up getting DF'd later in life, so it makes me wonder, did they get baptized just because they felt pressured to? I really want to be sure that if I do get baptized, that it's my own decision, between me and Jeehoovy, and not because I feel pressured to."
Worth a try. Might buy you some time.
i wanted to read this in college.
its length is daunting but madelines are.my favorite cookie.has anyone here read it?
It's one, er. seven, of thousands of books I'd like to read. If things go well, I'll be able to get through another two to three hundred books before my biological functions cease. So how to narrow down...
hey guys.
don't really post here much, mostly just lurk around.
so here's just backstory: in 2012, after about half a year of research i decided to leave the organization.
Oh man, running into them on the street all the time, yeah, that sucks. And if they start picking up that you're dodging their hows-your-spirituality questions, then you're as good as shunned. All they need is the slightest whiff. Tough situation man.
i remember when i was a "devout" jws i could not wait to get the new watchtowers and awakes from the wednesday nite theocratic ministry school.
i would actually salivate thinking of the new information jehovah had in the magazines for us.
i was "franatical" and i would go home still in my three piece suit and devour the magazines that very nite.
as the kids say...
hey guys.
don't really post here much, mostly just lurk around.
so here's just backstory: in 2012, after about half a year of research i decided to leave the organization.
I tend to agree that a DA letter, in a way, indicates that the writer recognizes the WTS and JWs as being SOMETHING legitimate, when they're really just sharers in a bizarre collective fantasy. I say the best thing to do is to walk away from their sorry azzes and if you run into them on the outside and the subject of meetings and whatnot comes up, just say you don't want to talk about any of that, and wow this weather has been <whatever> lately, and how are your kids doing etc. etc. etc.
I could have pulled off the perfect fade back in 2002, but I was too anxious to make some kind of big statement, so I DA'd. I won't say that I totally regret it, but guess what? None of my former JW cohorts have searched me out since then saying "wow fresh prince you're Da'ing really got me thinking..."
the temperature of the earth's core is as hot as the surface of the sun 9900 degrees farenheit.. .
below the amazon river lies another river called the rio hamza.
only 14% of the earth's species have been identified.. .
Joel Kinnaman, who plays Holder on the AMC series The Killing, is a native of Sweden. Didn't know that did you?
And, just now I learned from the Cincinnati Reds TV announcer that if you're a catcher and your back tightens up, there's really not much you can do!
just watched the first drama of the convention.
man what a load of simplistic, lurid, manipulative garbage.
off to barf now.
What a strange world we all used to inhabit, and judging by what I read on this forum, it just keeps getting stranger. Sorry to those of you that still have to endure it.
the wts and it's self appointed gb is quite ridiculous, and have no shame.. .
the truth is the truth.
'is your arthritis acting up how can god help'.
I distinctly remember a "Help for Arthritis Sufferers" headline on an Asleep! mag from early 2002. Yep, doin' the lord's work there, LOL. Help for Arthritis Sufferers. I shit you not.
the wts and it's self appointed gb is quite ridiculous, and have no shame.. .
the truth is the truth.
I think that to some degree the tail wags the dog. The abused keep enabling the abuser.
What I mean by that is, even after Jan 1st 1915 arrived, and virtually nothing that Russell had predicted came true, people still were still willing to follow him, they still believed that he was a cosmically important figure. And it certainly wasn't in CTR's nature to say to them, 'oops, heheh, looks like I was entirely wrong and I guess I'm not special and nor is the time period we're living in, so go on home folks!'
Even after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob failed to appear in 1925, people still followed Rutherford. Once again, a charismatic person with a large following, not like he was gonna sell it all off and disband it, people still were looking to him as their leader regardless of what how obviously idiotic he was to those not under his spell.
After 1975, after 1984, 1994, after 2014, people still followed and will continue to follow the WTS. The critical mass was reached long ago, the enterprise is makes a steady profit year after year, the egomaniacal weirdos at the top believe in their divine appointment in their own weird and compartmentalized ways, and the rank and file have so heavily bought into it that it all that it's all a well-oiled machine, masters and slaves.